Oasis Healing Massage Therapy
Healing awaits

Services and Descriptions

Cranio-Sacral Therapy~ CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a very gentle, light-touch approach that releases tensions deep in the central nervous system allowing every other body system to relax and self-correct. CST is performed on fully-clothed clients on a comfortable massage table.

Somato-Emotional Release Therapy~ (SER) is a therapeutic process that uses and expands upon the principles of Craniosacral Therapy to incorporate the mind and emotions in conjunction with the body to help release residual effects of physical or emotional trauma.  

Massage Therapy Services:

Relaxation~ A gentle, smooth flowing massage that promotes general relaxation, improved circulation, range of motion and relieves tension and stress.

Therapeutic / Pain Management~ Deep or light pressure, trigger point and stretching technique applied to the musculoskeletal system for the purpose of relaxation, increasing local blood flow, treating injuries, easing muscle tension and reducing muscle spasm and pain.

Deep Tissue/ Myofascial Release Therapy~ Focusing on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is especially helpful for chronically tense contracted areas. Massage movement is slower and pressure is deeper. MFR is gentle pressure applied slowly to allow fascia (deep muscle tissue) to elongate. Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce chronic pain and tightness.  MRR Therapy will enhance strength, improve flexibility, help correct posture and promote movement awareness. 

Trigger Point Therapy~ Trigger points are hyperirritable areas in skeletal muscles that can be palpable. They are nodules on taut bands of the muscle fibers. In other words they are knots that you can feel with your fingers that are common causes of pain to the surrounding area. Compression of a trigger point may cause tenderness, referred pain or a twitch response. This form of massage technique is used to release the pressure within the muscle. It may cause some pain while being applied but give much relief after.

Foot Reflexology~ Massage following a system of points on feet to stimulate and/or "reflex" general health throughout all areas of the body

Hot Stone Treatment~ Use of hot stones to warm, sooth and soften the muscle tissue while working. ($5.00 extra)

Couple's Massage~ Both you and your spouse, partner or friend have the luxury of getting a massage at the same time in the same room by two Massage Therapists. 



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